Hunt members can enjoy good hunting and be of great assistance if they observe the following:
Remember that the sport depends on the hounds, remain quiet while hounds are casting or running and watch what they are doing.
When hounds pass you on the road, stop and turn your horse's head towards them.
Never ride too near the hounds or directly in their wake, but ride wide of them to the right or left.
Never jump a fence near a hound.
When the hounds lose the line, realize that there are days when the scent won't lie. Scent depends on the condition of the ground and the temperature of the air, both of which should be cool and moist without being wet.
Always give way to the Huntsman and the Whippers-in. They have their work to do and unless done properly you will get no sport.
In jumping, don't follow single file where there are several panels, but spread out and pick your own panel. In the case of a refusal, place should be given to those coming on behind before another attempt is made.
If your horse knocks down a panel, particularly in a pasture, report it as soon as possible to a member of the Staff.
Should you want to pull out of the hunt early, be sure to tell one of the Masters or someone who will be sure to give the message at the next check.
If your horse kicks, tie a red ribbon on his tail and if other people crowd you, put your hand behind your back. Raising your right arm signals those behind you to stop.
Do not let your horse tread on the heels of the horse in front of him, or touch other horses' quarters with his head.
If you have a horse that rears or bolts or otherwise consistently exhibits dangerous behavior then it is not suited for hunting. We will insist that you not return on that mount. ...or something to that effect
Should you notice a hole, broken glass or wire that may cause injury always give warning of its presence by shouting "Ware Wire", "Ware Hole", etc.
If you lose the hounds, remember that horses locate sounds easier than their riders. Your horse may locate them for you if you watch his ears.
Turn out correctly dressed. It is due the members of the Hunt that you pay them the compliment of being properly dressed. Never stay at home on a hunting day because of rain or you may miss a good day's sport.